Operator of international business events
For the past 9 years, we have been organizing business events where deals have been concluded.
Upcoming events
It is easy to enter the international market and participate in negotiations with representatives from foreign companies! All you need to do is choose the event that interests you.
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About us
Accredited Trade Advisor of the Russian Export Center in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Republic of Uzbekistan
  • 500+
    trust us
  • 10 000+
    business negotiations
    were organized by our team
  • 30+
    in 7 countries actively cooperate with us on the organization of business events
  • 30+
    major international exhibitions work with us
  • 8
    of excellent work experience
Events of the
InterPartner team
We have organized and participated in hundreds of events
Results of the business mission of Tyumen companies to Astana.
Results of the business forum
"Kazakhstan - Bashkortostan."
Results of the industrial exhibition "INNOPROM" and the international, inter-industry business forum.
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Be the first to know about interesting international business events that are coming up.
Our team of experts specializes in organizing business events. We assist companies in reaching the international stage and help event participants make profitable deals.
  • Зейнегуль Бисенова
  • Аида Нуралиева
    Executive Director
  • Сауле Темирбаева
    Commercial Director
  • Гульбаршин Касенова
    Project manager
  • Айжанa Нуралиева
    Project manager
  • Айнель Исмаилова
    Project manager
  • Жания Азмагамбетова
    Project manager
  • Анастасия Пономаренко
    Chief Accountant
Feedback from our partners
Feedback from the event participants
We invite you to cooperate and wish you a successful partnership!
Do you want to take your business to the next level internationally? We would love to hear about your business and help you find the right event to showcase your products or services. Our team of experts can provide you with valuable insights and recommendations based on your specific goals and objectives. Let's work together to achieve success!
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+7 (705) 755 88 75
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